Smart parking lot, right next to the airport, fenced, guarded, hardened with concrete blocks.
Welcome to Parking Modlin Cheap and Safe - we welcome all our customers with a smile!
We have prepared for you 300 comfortable parking spaces with a convenient and safe transfer, just 3 minutes from the Warsaw-Modlin airport. We provide 24/7 security, a high-class monitoring system, and a paved concrete surface of the square. We offer all our clients a free transfer by air-conditioned buses to the airport and on the way back. We welcome our customers with free coffee, we have a separate VIP area for particularly demanding customers and the Fast Track service for those customers who particularly care about time.
Modlin Cheap and Safe parking is an offer for demanding customers
Rated 4,8 based on 414 отзывы
Do not speak english.
Polecamy serdecznie
Niestety adres podany przy rezerwacji niewłaściwy. Problem z odbiorem z lotniska, straciliśmy chyba 30min przez nieaktualny bilet wyjazdowy i gdyby nie nasza interwencja stracilibyśmy więcej czasu.
Współrzędne lokalizacji podane w mailu są błędne, z pozytywnych spraw to super, że parking jest utwardzony
Very good. Rekomending
Super kierowca