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GoParking Stockholm Liljeholmstorget Galleria

Data d'entrega del vehicle
Data de recollida del vehicle
GoParking Stockholm Liljeholmstorget Galleria logo

GoParking is located at Liljeholmstorget Galleria shopping center with good connections to Stockholm Arlanda Airport and to the city center of Stockholm.


This convenient and secure car park is CCTV-monitored and the entry is barrier-controlled. Park your car, keep your keys and have a good trip!

  • Opening times: 06:30 - 22:00
  • Height restriction: 2.1m maximum
  • Undercover parking spaces
  • No shuttle service is provided

How does it work?

On the day of your outbound flight, drive to the car park address provided in your booking confirmation. The car can be parked in any free parking space in the GoParking area. GoParking's parking spaces are marked with GoParking signs. It is not necessary to leave a parking ticket in the car, the validity of your parking will be checked automatically. Keep your keys and enjoy your trip. On your return, you can collect your car at your own time. If you do not notify GoParking of the extended parking time, please remember to pay for the extra time at the Autopay payment machine. Please note that unannounced parking time is charged according to the Autopay prices.

Please note that this car park does not provide shuttle service.

Indicacions de ruta

Una vegada es confirmi la seva reserva, rebrà un bo de confirmació amb l'adreça, el número de telèfon del pàrquing i qualsevol informació rellevant. Per veure la ubicació de l'aparcament, per favor vegi el mapa a la pàgina web.


  • Barrera d'entradaBarrera d'entrada
  • AssegurarAssegurar
  • CobertCobert
  • Es pot portar les claus del vehicleEs pot portar les claus del vehicle
  • Vigilància CCTVVigilància CCTV
  • Malla metàl·lica perimetralMalla metàl·lica perimetral
  • AsfaltatAsfaltat
  • Vigilant nocturnVigilant nocturn
  • Altura màximaAltura màxima

Reserved spaces for GoParking Metro and bus station Autopay payment machines Entrance
Estem trobant les millors ofertes
Serem un moment
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